Eek. And I thought I was crazy when I waited for 42 days for Episode I, with a group of friends. — IlyaHaykinson 23:36, 16 Jan 2005 (UTC)
Is this really news? Does some sad persons attempt to see a movie really justify being given international attention? (<– comment left by anonymous IP)
The article doesn’t tell you what city he’s in. You have to look at the reference and deduce that if it was reported in the Seattle (Washington, USA) newspaper, he must be in Seattle.
Basic law of journalism: Who, what, when, where and why. The where is definitely missing.
As for the why, well, when I saw it I thought – Wiki news is geeky news. Your readers will probably find this article amusing, because most of them really care about the next Star Wars movie. Even though I don’t, the article doesn’t bother me. Just get all the facts in, please. (<– comment from anonymous IP)
I can get the DVD for this movie at any store that sells DVD’s. What’s up with this guy? Did I miss something?