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Obama nominates James Clapper for Director of National Intelligence

Sunday, June 6, 2010

United States President Barack Obama has nominated retired Air Force Lieutenant General James Clapper to be the new director of National Intelligence. The position had been left vacant when the previous director of national intelligence was forced to leave due to a series of security failures. James Clapper now awaits confirmation by the US Senate.

Barack Obama has requested a quick confirmation from the Senate. Both US Democratic Party and Republican Party senior representatives in the Senate Intelligence Committee have publicly expressed their reservation about the nomination. According to to the Associated Press, Republican senator Kit Bond doubted Clapper’s ability to command among some of the intelligence community personalities. “I don’t think Clapper’s the right person for the job,” he said. The Associated Press, informed by senior congressional staff, reported that the Republican senator had not been invited to discuss the nomination and is considering asking his Republican support to block the nomination.

Previous director of national intelligence Dennis C. Blair quit two weeks ago in the sequence of a series of security failures, including the Fort Hood shooting incident.

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Earn Income Online}

Earn Income Online


There are abundant ways to earn income online. So many it can be a little overwhelming for someone who doesn’t no where to start. I hope to take some of that burden away by providing five easy steps to follow. There are many different paths to take even with each step provided. Most are free but I suggest you research each route extensively before committing to any certain one.

Step 1) This one may seem obvious but it is crucial to your success…you need a computer and an internet connection. I suggest you get yourself a dependable laptop and wireless connection if possible. You can usually find some pretty good refurbished laptops in the classified section of your local paper. If you really can’t afford a computer or internet connection, visit your local library or school computer. Where theres a will, theres a way.

Step 2) Enroll yourself in some affiliate programs. There are many affiliates out there that provide you all the training and products you need to succeed. Try to enroll in multiple programs so you can increase your income potential and give yourself the greatest chance for success.

Step 3) Get your own place on the web. All you have to do is sign up for a free blog or find yourself your own unique domain name i.e. home website. The reason for this is you want to be able to list all your affiliates in the same place. It makes it easier for you to market and track your traffic. More on this is step 4.

Step 4) You need to create traffic. This is essential to earn an income online. There are a plethora of ways to bring people to your site. The training from the affiliate programs will teach you various techniques, most of which will cost you nothing more than the time you invest. It takes a while to build traffic and to convert that traffic into sales. This is NOT a get rich quick scheme, but you CAN get rich over time.

Step 5) Take the checks out of the mail box, sign your name on the back, and cash or deposit them at your local bank. Thats it!

Of course there are many roads to success on the internet. Many people are using these five steps to earn an income on the internet. Some people think you have to spend massive amounts of money to market or hire outsourcing. You don’t need money to make money online. Follow these steps and you won’t have to spend any money at all. There are affiliate programs, blogs, and ways to create traffic that are 100% free. All that is required of you is a strong desire to learn and succeed. If you have these intangibles, there are no limits to what you can achieve.

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Earn Income Online

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Earn Income Online


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The Best Method To Get Rid Of Lizards}

Submitted by: Shivani Bharadwaj

Even though there are a variety of lizard repellants available in stores, they are full of toxic chemicals and are unsafe to be used at home especially if there are small children around. Instead, there are many home remedies which will help you to get rid of these slithery pests.

Home Remedies to Prevent Lizard Infestation


Lizards hate the pungent smell of garlic. So, hang garlic around your house or keep garlic cloves near doors and windows. You can also take a mixture of garlic juice and water in a spray bottle and spray it in your home.

Egg Shells

The best way to keep lizards away from your home is to use egg shells whose smell is repulsive to lizards. So strew egg shells around your home especially near windows and doors. Remember to change them every 3 4 weeks.

Coffee Powde


Mix coffee powder with tobacco powder and roll them into small balls. Stick these balls into matchsticks. You can also use toothpicks. Leave these around your house especially behind cupboards and wardrobes. Lizards die after eating these balls, hence, they have to be disposed off later on.


The strong smell of onions is another smell which the lizards hate. So, hang onions in probable places where the lizards may be hiding. The smell will force the lizards to leave your house. You can also mix onion juice with water in a spray bottle and spray it around your house.

Pepper Spray

The spicy odor of pepper, in combination with other spices, is an effective way to keep lizards out of your house. Combine chili powder with ground black pepper and mix it with water. Shake it well, transfer the contents to a spray bottle and spray the spicy mixture around your house.

Naphthalene Balls

Naphthalene balls are an effective way of keeping away not only bedbugs and pests but lizards as well. Keep these balls inside your cupboards and on your shelves to get rid of lizards. Instead of naphthalene balls, you can also use moth balls.

Cold Wate

Using cold water is the easiest way to deal with lizards. The next time you see a lizard on your house wall, immediately splash cold water from the freezer on it. Lizards are sensitive to temperature changes and any change in temperature immobilizes them. While it is in a state of shock you can either kill it or throw it away from your house.

Dos to Avoid Lizards at Home

A dirty house will attract lizards. Mop the floor regularly and keep it clean.

Lizards thrive on small insects and bugs. So, keep your home insect-free to prevent lizard infestation.

Dark places like the area behind cupboards, furniture and wardrobes are homes to lizards. Clean and air these places regularly.

Donts to Avoid Lizards at Home

Do not allow your garbage bins to be filled up for long.

Dont keep unwashed dishes and food materials in your kitchen as they are bound to attract insects, thereby attracting lizards.

Dont hang too many pictures on your walls. They make ideal places behind which lizards can hide.

Dont allow standing water to stay long.

Lizards are a nuisance for us and are uninvited guests.

About the Author: home remedies garlic, egg shells, coffee powder, onion which will help you to get rid of these slithery pests. At JoybyNature, we have a vast range Home living product like mosquito repellent, pet care, anti cockroach, anti lizard and many


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William Salice, creator of Kinder Surprise eggs, dies at 83

Sunday, January 1, 2017

On Thursday, William Salice, credited with creating Kinder Surprise eggs, died at age 83 in Pavia, Italy because of a stroke, according to his foundation “Color Your Life Campus”. Salice had worked with the businessman Michele Ferrero in the 1960s, the creator of the Nutella cream and owner of Ferrero Rocher. Ferrero died in 2015.

In 1974, Kinder Surprise was launched with plastic toys, which are sold within the eggs to surprise children. Due to this, the sale of Kinder eggs is prohibited in the US. A 1938 US law prohibits the sale of food containing objects in its interior. It is also prohibited in Chile, due to an obesity-reduction law brought in last year. Last year a three-year-old girl died in France, swallowing the plastic toy.

In 2007, after his retirement, Salice founded Color Your Life Campus from his retirement bonus of €400,000 in Italy. It aims to help young people between the ages of thirteen and eighteen discover and develop their own talents. Salice’s career spanned 46 years.

Since 2013, the Kinder Surprise Company has been taking care of continuing the manufacture and processing of chocolate eggs. According to the company, the chocolate egg has 32% milk and 15% cocoa in its composition.

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Abbott open to possible Australian assistance in Iraq

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott allowed for potential Australian support in any military action the United States may take in resolving the current conflict in Iraq, during and after a meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday.

The President had said all options were on the table for dealing with the Al-Qaeda splinter group of Sunni militants who have violently overrun many areas of the war torn county.

A major Al-Qaeda foodhold in Iraq “would be a humanitarian disaster for the people of Iraq, quite apart from being a very serious problem for the region and the wider world” said Abbot to ABC Radio, emphasising the consequences this conflict could have on the already unstable region.

Whilst the United States has not requested Australian aid, Abbott expressed concern the situation could become a problem for Australia and the rest of the world. In remarks to Sky News, he said, “I want to do what we reasonably can to protect Australian citizens, Australian interests and Australian values, and there is a very strong community of interests and values between the United States and Australia and our other principal allies”.

Abbott advised this conflict in Iraq would allow terrorist organisations to gain a stronger position globally, as the war in Syria allowed terrorist groups to hoard large amounts of weapons and money.

Abbott’s position on this issue in Iraq has been met with criticism from different members of parliament. Opposition leader Bill Shorten warned “Australia always needs to weigh up the use of our highly professional and dedicated soldiers as to whether or not it is in the Australian National interest”. Greens leader Christine Milne said Australia should focus efforts on diplomatic solutions through nonviolent action and the United Nations to bring about long-term stability and reconciliation in Iraq.

However Peter Jennings, head of think tank the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, supported Australia’s offer of support, though acknowledging Australia could do little as a main player in this conflict. Jennings also advised that providing intelligence via surveillance may be a way for Australia to help in a supporting role.

According to recent information from the Australian federal government’s service Smartraveller, at least 90 Australians were on holiday in Iraq despite a no-travel warning for that country.

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Queensland prisoners put to work manufacturing water tanks

Monday, April 30, 2007

Prisoners in the Australian state of Queensland have been put to work manufacturing rainwater tanks to help meet a shortfall in supply.

The southeast corner of Queensland, which is currently undergoing one of its worst droughts on record, is experiencing a boom in the rainwater tank industry. Households, encouraged by subsidies introduced by the Beattie government, have enthusiastically begun installing rainwater tanks as well as other water-saving devices. These subsidies have led to a shortfall in supply however, with some households waiting months for tanks to be installed.

The new initiative, announced by Premier Peter Beattie as well as Corrective Services minister Judy Spence will see prisoners at Woodford Correctional Centre, Australia’s largest gaol, constructing tanks for AU$4 per day. Spence has pledged not to use the cheap labour to undercut existing tank suppliers. Beattie also pointed out that the programme would give prisoners constructing the tanks valuable work skills for when their sentences are completed. If the programme is successful, it may be extended to other gaols around the state.

The Beattie government has been increasingly criticised over recent months for its failure to handle the water crisis engulfing Southeast Queensland. Opponents accuse the Government of a lack of planning foresight with regards to water supply for the booming area, which includes state capital Brisbane, as well as other cities such as Ipswich, Toowoomba and Gold Coast.

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Skin Rejuvenating And Firming Treatment Grandi Lite Treatment To Firm And Rejuvenate Skin}

Skin Rejuvenating and Firming Treatment GrandiLite Treatment To Firm and Rejuvenate Skin


Pearlin Siow

Imagine this: A 90 minute luxurious treatment that will re-educate lax facial muscles to firm up, rehydrate dry skin, minimize pore size, perform lymph drainage for detoxification, improve skin tone and lighten pigmentation all without any downtime or discomfort.

GrandiLite uses a hi-tech machine called the CACI which stands for Computer Aided Cosmetology Instrument. This machine employs tiny micro currents through metal probes to treat skin. The process is comfortable and a slight tingling sensation from the micro currents will be felt. GrandiLite is suitable for all skin types, even sensitive skin.


After cleansing the face, the therapist exfoliated with a device that looked like a metal scraper. This removed dead skin cells as well as loosened up blackheads for easy extraction. Collagen serum was then brushed on and two metal probes a T-bar and double probe, placed at various spots, starting from the neck then moving up all over the face.

After 15 minutes, the therapist changed the T-bar probe to another double probe to focus on the face more. The probes are first moved slowly all over the face in lifting motions, followed by faster, feathery strokes. Each side of the face took about 30 minutes and included a flurry of different techniques and pressure, almost like a facial massage.

After the CACI machine, a micro laser was used to target wrinkles and fine lines. To finish off the treatment, a hydrating O2 mask was used. The effects from one treatment will last a week. For desired results, 10 treatments, twice a week, are recommended.

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Skin Rejuvenating and Firming Treatment GrandiLite Treatment To Firm and Rejuvenate Skin

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Study: Herd animals detect Earth’s magnetic field

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Large herd animals may have the ability to detect earth’s magnetic field, concluded scientists in Germany in a report published in this week’s Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences after performing studies of cattle and deer grazing and sleeping patterns. The animals tended to face north-south oriented toward the earth’s magnetic poles. Hynek Burda of the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany led the team that announced the unconfirmed study. Burda and his team gathered cattle data via analysis of Google Earth images.

The team originally intended to test for possible human magnetic field detection by studying the orientation of sleeping bags in outdoor campers, but it proved difficult to obtain data because humans usually slept under tents. Cattle were easier to observe, and 8,510 head of cattle at 308 locations demonstrated a strong tendency to align body orientation in accordance with the earth’s magnetic field. Other possible factors such as wind or sunlight direction did not supply a better explanation for the behavior.

I think the really amazing thing is that hunters and herdsmen and farmers didn’t notice it.

To compare against a second large species, Burda and his team analyzed data on 2,974 deer studied through photography, direct observation, and snow imprints. The deer demonstrated a similar pattern. “I think the really amazing thing is that hunters and herdsmen and farmers didn’t notice it,” said Burda according to a National Public Radio report.

Other scientists found the results of the study intriguing. Peter August of the University of Rhode Island in Kingston, commented: “I was really amazed at the consistency with which they found north-facing cows and deer. It was really intriguing.” No independent study has yet confirmed the Duisburg-Essen team’s findings.

This is the first study that indicates magnetic field detection in large mammals. Burda’s previous research involves naked mole rats, a small blind mammal species whose behavior indicates an internal magnetic compass. According to a report by Jeremy Hsu at MSNBC, “Previous research has shown that animals such as birds, turtles and salmon migrate using a sense of magnetic direction, and small mammals such as rodents and one bat species also have a magnetic compass.”

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News briefs:May 16, 2006

The time is 22:30 (UTC) on May 16th, 2006, and this is Audio Wikinews News Briefs.


  • 1 Headlines
    • 1.1 7.4 magnitude hits Pacific near New Zealand
    • 1.2 Flooding ravages Northeastern United States
    • 1.3 U.S. restores full diplomatic relations with Libya
    • 1.4 Ayaan Hirsi Ali leaves Dutch Parliament
    • 1.5 Australia won’t take back spent Uranium
    • 1.6 New Zealand Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet employee named as Telecom mole
    • 1.7 India postpones test-firing of Agni-III ballistic missile
    • 1.8 BellSouth denies phone records were handed over to the NSA
    • 1.9 Department of Defense releases 9/11 video of plane hitting Pentagon
    • 1.10 Ex-Indian diplomat’s passport revoked
    • 1.11 Man mistakenly interviewed live on BBC News 24
    • 1.12 Australian man caught driving with no licence twice in one day
  • 2 Closing statements
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This is the category for cancer.

Refresh this list to see the latest articles.

  • 9 February 2017: Scientists say new medical diagnostic chip can sort cells anywhere with an inkjet
  • 7 December 2016: Scientists report chemotherapy cocktail may cause adult women to grow new egg cells
  • 23 March 2016: Former Toronto, Canada mayor Rob Ford dies after struggle with cancerous tumors
  • 16 March 2015: Xu Caihou, former Chinese general, dies aged 71
  • 10 March 2015: Sam Simon, ‘The Simpsons’ co-creator, dies aged 59
  • 4 March 2015: Beverly Hall, indicted public school superintendent, dies aged 68
  • 8 February 2015: Cancer kills Niki Quasney, Indiana gay marriage pioneer
  • 22 January 2015: Japanese Olympic judoka Hitoshi Saito dies aged 54
  • 3 March 2014: Irish anti-smoking campaigner Gerry Collins dies at age 57
  • 8 February 2012: Komen executive resigns and criticizes Planned Parenthood
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