By Chris Chew
If you to get a more intensive male orgasmic climax, how male orgasm actually works. Male orgasm happens at the height of a man’s sexual experience. This is when the various genital muscles contract together in a rhythmic pattern creating climatic sexual pleasure.
The climax itself is the the rhythmic contraction of several muscles and muscle groups including the PC muscle, anal sphincter, rectum perineum and the ejaculatory ducts of various muscles in and around the penis. The contracting muscles result in the delivery and ejaculating of sperm during an intense orgasmic climax.
The first few muscle contractions are the most intensive and the contractions are close together at intervals of about 0.08 second each time. As the orgasm continues, the contractions get less intensive and become further apart in time. Therefore the more sperm you have, the more you have to ejaculate during your orgasm, the more and longer sexual pleasure you can have.
Therefore if you want more intensive male orgasm, you have more sperm volume. As simple as that. Also, if the act of sex is for procreating to make babies, then more sperm also means that your partner has a higher chance to conceive.
If your sperm count is low or volume of sperm that you ejaculate is little, then you have to take action to increase your sexual pleasure.
It is clear that a change of lifestyle can improve your sperm production. What are the lifestyle changes you need to do to get more intensive orgasm?
Well, for a start, quit smoking if you are a smoker. Abstain from excessive use of alcohol or narcotic drugs will also help. Best of all, start a regular exercise program to increase your male hormone, testosterone which is the main driving force behind male libidos.
You may also like to see your doctor for prescriptive medicine to increase your sperm volume or consider taking sperm volume orgasm enhancer or supplement to get more intensive orgasm. It is precisely for the reasons mentioned there are many sperm volume supplements designed to increase the amount of sperm you produce and ejaculate.
Some some of these sperm volume supplements and orgasm enhancers focus on the idea that the more sperm you have, the more manly and impressive you are to a woman, while others focus on how much more pleasure and better sexual health you will have. Both are fine if they can produce results as the ultimate aim is to increase your sperm production.
The male reproductive system is rather complex and many different parts need to work together at the right time to give you a powerful climatic intensive orgasm. A good quality orgasm enhancement supplement should improve the overall function of the male reproductive system.
The better orgasm enhancer supplements will not only help you to increase the volume of your sperm, but the quality of the sperm as well. This will help you to be more fertile while enjoying better orgasm.
As with any health supplement, find a reputable company that offers and backs up its claims with guarantees. Taking the right orgasm enhancer will ensure you a massive load for ejaculation and getting longer and more intensive male orgasms. Hey, having sex can be more pleasurable than you know!
About the Author: Chris Chew is a fitness, health and relationship consultant. Read his free articles at
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