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Top 10 Most Common Insurance Scams By Individuals

By Elizabeth Murphy

Insurance scams by individuals against insurance companies are becoming common practice just as it is common practice for them getting caught in their illegal endeavors. Since there are many types of insurance in both the United States and Canada, there are many different types of insurance scams that exist from Worker’s Comp scams to car insurance scams. In the end, these scams cost the individuals who are playing fair more in insurance than what they should have to pay. Below you will find the top 10 most common insurance scams by individuals.

Car Insurance (scams 1-6)

Car insurance accident scams may just be the most common of them all and there are actually more of them. These scams include:

–The paper accident – The criminal solicits an auto repair or salvage company to participate in an accident that only exists on paper

–Fictitious hit and run – The hit and run never happened


–The Swoop and Swat technique – When the criminal swoops in front of another car and stops while an accomplice pulls to the side of the target car, keeping it from swerving out of the way.

–The almighty sideswipe – This one occurs at turn lanes and intersections. The criminal takes multiple left turns to eventually end up in the targets lane.

–The friendly wave -The criminal waves at the victim to let them in front of them in heavy traffic and then quickly accelerates to have a collision.

Another but more subtle scam that is perpetrated by individuals is the ‘primary driver’ scam. There are times in which an individual in a household may be cheaper on the insurance of a particular car. So instead of the actual primary driver being listed as the primary driver, the one who will be easier on the wallet is listed as the primary driver.

Life Insurance (scams 7 and 8)

This may seem like something from a lifetime movie, but unfortunately it does happen in real life. A spouse takes out a life insurance policy on the other and then they put antifreeze in their coffee to poison them or something so that they can collect on the life insurance money. Fortunately, the perpetrator gets caught most of the time, but it still doesn’t keep those who feel that, ‘I’ll never get caught’ from trying.

Lying on life insurance applications is a scam in itself. Individuals are required to fill out certain pieces of information on the insurance application that can influence the price of it, which can actually hurt the perpetrator more than help them. Sure, it helps their pocket, but if it is found that the application was falsified in any way, coverage may not be awarded to beneficiaries.

Worker’s Compensation (scam 9)

Worker’s Compensation is meant to help someone who has been injured on the job. Sometimes someone drawing Worker’s Compensation may lie to their doctor or get the doctor in on it with them so that they may draw benefits longer without having to go back to work. Unfortunately, this practice is all too common and costs lots of money.

Health insurance (scam 10)

Health insurance tends to not be as common a target as those previously mentioned, but it is certainly not out of the question. One scam is the offering of phony health insurance. An individual or group of individuals will call unsuspecting people to offer them health coverage to only receive nothing. The next thing they know they are calling the actual insurance company and there is no record of coverage.

So these are some of the most common scams perpetrated against the different branches of insurance. Some get away with the most subtle of offenses, but the more severe the crime the more likely they are to do time for it. That’s why it is better to be honest than not even chance trying to illegally obtain money through insurance scams.

About the Author: Be upfront and legal with all of your business practices, including your

home and auto insurance

. It’ll give you peace of mind, and prevent the possibility of you having to pay a fine or even go to jail.


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If Your Ex Boyfriend Keeps Ignoring You How To Get Him Back Without Speaking A Single Word

When you are still in love with the man that broke up with you, it is easy to see him as being perfect. You forget all of his faults and only dwell on his good points. This makes you sure that you must be at fault for the breakup and you have the urge to make an apology. You also want to tell him you love him and can’t live without him. So, you call him and when you hear his voice you begin to cry and he hangs up.

This should let you know your ex does not want to talk to you. But it only makes you more determined and you start dialing and re dialing him like you were in a drunken stupor. All this sort of activity will do is drive the man you love farther away. You are defeating your own purpose by giving in to panic and fear. You cannot force your ex to love you and the sooner you recognize that fact, the sooner you can start getting your ex boyfriend back.

To get your ex boyfriend back when he is ignoring you, all you have to do is copy his actions and begin to ignore him. Since this tactic seems to be working so well by making you desperate to get your ex back, why won’t it work on him? You might say, but he is the one that broke up with me. That does not make any difference because men cannot stand to be ignored by their ex girlfriend.


When you begin to ignore him and act as if he does not exist, your ex boyfriend will have the chance to experience life without you. If you go on with your life as if you no longer care for him, he will soon start to miss you. He has been so used to you being around that it never occurred to him how much he took you for granted. Seeing you slipping out of his life will change the picture completely.

When you have been ignoring your ex boyfriend for at least three weeks, you should send him an email. You won’t be apologizing or saying you love him. What you tell him in the email and what you do after sending the email can get your ex boyfriend back without saying a single word. You are just going to tell him you are sorry things had to end this way and the wish him well.

When he reads the email, your ex will think you are saying goodbye for good. He is already missing you and seeing how much you mean to his life. Thinking you may be leaving town and he will never see you again will make him desperate to contact you. When he calls, you won’t be available because right after you send the email, you will be going to visit friends that live in another state.

This should make your ex boyfriend start kicking himself all over town for breaking up with you. When you do get back and he finally locates you, he will be the one with the apology. This is how you will get your ex back without speaking a single word.

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About Author:

If this is the man for you, don’t give up. There are proven methods to make him love you like never before. Bad mistakes can ruin your relationship for good. To avoid these fatal mistakes, you need proven steps to get your ex boyfriend back and keep him. What you should and shouldn’t do can be found at this Helpful SiteAuthor: Hal Archer

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Car Accident Injuries And Establishing A Valid Claim

By Lala C. Ballatan

In the United States and particularly in Los Angeles County, California, car accidents are one of the leading causes for the high number of claims involving personal injury that are filed in courts.

As the number of cars on the road increases, and everyone is hurrying to get to their destinations, it is not surprising that many car accidents happen, daily.

According to the data released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), a motor vehicle accident occurs almost every ten seconds on the highways of the U.S. Almost millions of people are injured as a result of these accidents. Their injuries range from superficial and mild up to critical.

Meanwhile, many of these auto accidents result to death in 13-minute intervals.

If you have been a victim of an accident and acquired injuries because of it, or you have lost a loved one due to the same reason, then you are entitled to file either a personal injury claim or a wrongful death claim. It would depend on the particular damages you and your family have sustained as a result of the accident.

Car Accidents Injuries and Fatalities


Car accident victims usually suffer death and mild to severe injuries like:

— traumatic brain injury or TBI

— head injury

— spinal cord injury or quadriplegia/paraplegia

— neck injuries

— broken bones

— fractures

These injuries leave the car accident victims in a state of relentless pain and acute discomfort. The victims may also sustain hearing and eyesight impairments.

Furthermore, these injuries, even if treated correctly, may still cause the victim to acquire permanent or temporary disability and disfigurement.

Personal Injury Car Accident Claims

The federal and state laws entitle the car accident victims the right to recover damages and avail of fair compensation for the injuries they have sustained.

Here are the following conditions you need to fulfill as a car accident victim so that your personal injury claim is considered valid.

— The car accident was the direct cause of your injuries

— The negligence or wrongful action of another person was the main cause of the accident. The victim has no participation in the cause of the accident.

The first step in establishing the validity of a personal injury claim is by proving the negligence of another party. If it has been proven that you also have a participation or fault in the accident, the law’s standards will not give you any compensation.

If you are a victim of a car accident in LA County, the best step to do after or even during your recuperation is to find expert lawyers specializing in car accident cases and hire one whom you can depend on and trust.

About the Author: For car or automobile accident cases

in LA County, our firm’s Car Accident Lawyers LA County have long standing experience and competency that you can rely on.


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