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Electronic Muscle Stimulators And Their Implications

Submitted by: Adrianna Notton

Electronic muscle stimulators are used to elicit muscles in people by the use of electric impulses. The impulses are normally generated by the use of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) machine that delivers the impulses through electrodes and onto the skin. This is usually done close to the muscles undergoing the stimulation. The impulses bring about a false feeling of actions that come from the central nervous system of the brain, thus causes relaxation and contraction of muscles.

It is important to first consider the origin of stimulators. Before the 16th century, the technology was unknown. In 1791 however, a scientist, Luigi Galvani, gave the first evidence of the effect of current on muscles. The discovery was that most functions of the body are induced by stimulation caused by electric impulses bring about long lasting changes in the affected muscles.

In the 1960s, the Soviet Union scientists concerned with sports applied the technology in athletics. With the knowledge that the technology was essential in muscle building, applied it to training elite athletes. This was with the hope that athletes so trained would gain energy by close to 40%. The increment would in turn enhance performance during the races.


The technology leads to training of fibers of muscles. Skeletal muscles have certain characteristics that enhance how they are stimulated. The levels to which different fibers can be activated are independent of each other and also depend on the type of electronic muscle stimulation (EMS). The changes that are induced rely on the pattern of EMS used. The patterns, called programs or programs, bring a change on the expected mode of movement of the muscles. In this way the muscular system does not have to wait for brain impulsive signals for their movements, thus production of force is greatly enhanced.

Signals from the brain are relayed through the spinal cord, but which does not always have to be the case. The NMES machine is able to electrically stimulate nerves that are attached to muscles at motor points. Upon stimulation, the nerves are made to contract and expand as would be the case during exercise. People who are not able to do exercise in the traditional way are able to still gain strength and mass within the muscles.

EMS has two major uses. It can be used for therapeutic purposes in which case it is purely medicinal. Under strict supervision of a qualified health specialist, it can be used for physical therapy and for purposes of rehabilitation. Injuries to broken arms or legs can also be expedited using the technology. The prescription can also be done for those suffering from muscle spasms or painful conditions experienced in either elbows or hips.

Training is the other use for which the system is meant. For aesthetic goals, those who want stronger muscles can apply it, in which case they also achieve increase in strength. Fats in the body have also been known to be minimized and circulation of blood improved.

On the contrary, electronic muscle stimulators are costly in comparison to services they give. It is not independent and has to be used in conjunction with normal methods of exercise. It only acts as a supplement.

About the Author: A popular form of therapy is the use of

electronic muscle stimulation

. People with chronic pain in their joints and muscles often turn to


for alleviating pain. Such systems have been created by doctors and scientists.


is a highly effective way to aid the healing of ligaments and tendons. The method was first developed in Russia, however Russian stim is more powerful.


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What Corporate Management Software Can Do For You

byAlma Abell

As you work to grow your business, a key concern should always be in making your business easier to run, more efficient, and more effective at its key goals. Much of this has to do with proper planning, experienced leadership, and sound business strategy. Unfortunately, there are always things for which your business can’t plan. The market for your product or service can change nearly instantly, and you may need to make a pivot. All good business owners know, however, that you have to focus on managing what you can control. Corporate management software helps you to manage a few crucial things that are within your control.



Software is great for managing many types of data that you need to have on hand and available at a moment’s notice. Many companies are still making a mistake in the crucial area of data management. Whether it’s customer, sales, or employee information, you’re going to need to store a lot of information, and there’s specialized software for managing all of these things. Storing that data, having access to it instantly, and having it presented to you in an intelligent and helpful way is crucial. The best database management tools also provide you with actionable insights into the data that will help you to execute new strategies or help your business function more efficiently. This kind of software is certainly an indispensable tool if it’s used properly by your business.


If you run a larger business, you’re obviously going to have to deal with employees. Tracking your staffing may seem like a simple matter of updating a spreadsheet, but there’s actually a lot more to it in most cases. When you’re dealing with complex matters such as profit sharing, benefits, or even stock ownership, other data will be extremely important to keep, and updating a spreadsheet would get rather tedious. Specialized corporate management software is crucial in this area.