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Parenting Guide: Helping A Child To Cope With Acne!

It won’t be harsh to say that acne erupts on your skin like a bolt from the blue. You don’t wish to accept acne. You just tolerate it with great difficulty. What ails you most now, is that your child too has acne. This suffering for your child has caused more anguish in you. You, by experience or education, know how to handle your acne. But the child does not know much about this new development on the skin. The kid is just irritated. What you need is to prevent them from doing something rash and negligent.

Naturally, the child looks forward to you, for remedy from this suffering. If you are in a position to convince him with genuine explanation about the possible time acne will take to disappear, the child will naturally happy. You need to give your child the authentic information. For that you must have up to date knowledge on the subject.

At the early stage itself, try to provide the child with the best possible treatment. The very fact that you consult the doctor and provide proper medications helps to soothe the agitated and upset child. Children love the assurance of the man with stethoscope dangling on his neck.

Don’t blame the child for its acne. It is no fault of his. It is no fault of his diet. Ensure the kid that acne is not due to the result of his negligence. Tell him to ignore the rumor mongering of other children and the myths they try to build around acne. The psychological effects of acne are more than the actual physical effects. Do not allow the child to get depressed.

Somehow, the child begins to develop a sort of inferiority complex on being attacked by acne. Your child wishes to avoid company and would prefer to sit in the last bench in the class. He prefers not to take part in extra curricular and cultural activities of the school. This is the time, when you need to prevent the child from becoming a loner. He needs to mix freely with his friends and teachers, as if nothing has happened to him.

Please be emphatic in convincing the child, that physical appearance alone is not everything. Pay special attention to his other achievements, and tell him how happy you are about his sterling qualities and achievements.

Never get impatient, if acne recovery in your child takes time. It is very important for you control your temper, given the stressful period through which your child is passing through.

Behave with the child normally, as if nothing has happened to him!

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White Bumps On Penis Why They Appear

White Bumps on Penis Why They Appear


John Dugan


If you have noticed white bumps on your penis, don’t wait before getting it treated. The appearance of white bumps on the penis can be a distressing and painful condition for many men, and it can interfere with urination, sex and physical activity. Getting an accurate diagnosis is important, as penile white bumps are a symptom of STI’s, inflammatory diseases and block hair follicles and sweat glands. Vitamins, minerals and cr mes for penis health can support normal tissue healing and reduce inflammation, as well as support immune health.

Papules: Papules are small white spots which may contain a white fluid, similar to pimples. Only rarely are papules caused by a disease or pathogen, but they can result in some serious complications, especially in men who are immune-compromised. Possible causes of papules include blocked hair follicles or sweat glands, eczema, pearly penile papules (this appears like small warts but is non-infectious) and Fordyce spots. Infectious causes of papules include genital warts and molluscum contagiosum – both contagious STI’s that can be difficult to treat. If you are suffering from any form of papules, seek medical attention for a proper diagnosis.


Ulcers: Ulcers are more serious than papules, and are often caused by infectious disease. When they are small, ulcers may appear similar to papules, but eventually grow larger and fill with clear, white or red fluid. The tissues within and around the ulcer may eventually turn black with necrosis, causing serious complications. Causes of penile ulcers can include STI’s like syphilis, chancroid and herpes, cancerous lesions from squamous cell carcinoma, and chronic inflammatory conditions such as Beh et’s disease and Reiter’s syndrome. Sometimes ulcers can be the result of a physical trauma or blow to the penis. Proper diagnosis is essential, as all cases of penile ulcers require urgent medical attention.

Plaques: Plaques present as thickening, scaly skin conditions which may begin as smaller white bumps on the penis. While some cases of plaques can have an infectious or disease-related cause, often they are due to chronic inflammatory conditions such as acute dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. During these conditions the skin may appear dry, flaky, itchy and present with small white bumps. Balanitis and posthitis are highly painful inflammatory skin conditions of the penis and foreskin, which may be the result of a candida infection. Liche n sclerosis is another inflammatory condition which can cause irritation and thickening of the foreskin, to the point of causing phimosis.


Internal treatments: What sort of medications you can take for white bumps on the penis varies greatly, as it depends on your diagnosis? Papules and ulcers are likely to be treated by antibiotic therapy, in order to rid the body of infectious pathogens. Eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis are difficult to treat with internal medicine, but undergoing detoxification and trying the Elimination Diet under medical supervision can be very helpful to some people.

Topical treatments

Treating white bumps on the penis often will involve both internal and external therapies. Upon diagnosis doctors and genitourinary specialists can prescribe a range of different topical treatments, including antibiotics, hydrocortisone creme, and antiviral cr mes. Natural creme include botanical extracts, vitamins and minerals may also help to support tissue healing and reduce inflammation. Using a penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) provides vitamin C for tissue healing, vitamin E to reduce scarring, vitamin A to control inflammation, vitamin D for healthy skin regeneration and shea butter for tissue moisturization.

For additional information on most common

penis health

issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit:

John Dugan is a professional writer who specialized in men’s health issues and contributes feature articles and blogs to numerous publications.

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White Bumps on Penis Why They Appear

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Acne Treatment And Smoking

Submitted by: CD Mohatta

All of us have ideas about acne and the factors that affect acne treatment. Smoking is one such factor. Does smoking reduce the chances of quick cure? Many trials have been conducted to find out about the effect of smoking on acne formation and acne treatment. Till now no specific results have been found out. It is a known fact that smoking reduces the healing rate. So you can be sure that if you have acne that is ulcerating or is infected, it may take longer in getting healed. Smoking also makes skin age faster. Smoking may not cause acne, but to treat acne faster, it is better to drop smoking. Smoking affects all the vital organs of the body and it is better avoided. How about sunlight?

Acne and Sunlight

Many teenagers believe that sunlight reduces the acne. It may be possible that the rays of the sun may be reducing the population of the bacteria P.acnes. But this has not been established scientifically as yet.


Sunrays can prove to be dangerous to the skin. Sunrays age the skin very fast. Wrinkles, blotches, sunspots, etc all form because of sunrays. The sunrays also cause skin cancer.

Most of the acne medications make the skin sensitive to sun. If you are using some of these medications such as retinoids, your probability of getting sunburn increases. It is better to protect yourself from the sun. What about supplements?

Acne and supplements

Can supplements cause acne? People take variety of supplements to gain weight, muscles and for other purposes. Most of them are protein powders. Supplements are enriched foods. No relation has been established between supplements and acne. Unless you are taking hormones your chances of getting acne are very poor. However if you feel that a particular supplement is causing acne, please stop taking that.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

About the Author: The author CD Mohatta writes on


for which guides about skin care,

acne treatments

, causes, medicines, myths,

acne scars

, etc.


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