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Al Gerby Supplement Store: Nutritional Supplements At Downtown Katameya Mall, New Cairo}

Al Gerby Supplement Store: Nutritional Supplements at Downtown Katameya Mall, New Cairo



Arguably, the majority of shops in Cairo are aimed at the shopaholics amongst us, offering little more than clothes and shoes. However, with the summer fast approaching and fitness becoming a endemic of vanity amongst body-conscious Cairenes, there is an increase in demand for healthy, body building supplements.

Whilst many gyms often offer a range of proteins and vitamins on-site, not all are well-stocked with a variety of different brands. With several independent stores around Cairo, Al Gerby Supplement Store has set up shop at New Cairo’s Downtown Katameya Mall.

Resembling a booth rather than a shop, Al Gerby’s supplements are lined up neatly on shelves and grouped into logical sections, easily visible from behind a glass wall. The shop assistant wasn’t very forthcoming, and when asked about the difference between one supplement designed especially for women, and the unisex type, he was unable to give us an explanation. Despite having a number of well-known brands to choose from, those familiar with the range available overseas may be slightly disappointed to find there’s nothing new here.


Protein powder from several brands was available, in a multitude of different sizes, largely imported from the US. A large variety of Isopure products are available in a decent range of flavours; Isopure carb-free, whey protein and Isopure mass. A huge bucket (3.5kg) of Isopure carb-free was available, along with regular sized tubs (450LE). Also in stock was Iso-femme (250LE), an oestrogen free protein powder aimed specifically at women.

The popular brand, Optimum Nutrition, was also in stock, with both pots and large bags of whey and serious mass protein. We also spotted Musclemeds, carnivore beef isolate, as well as 6.8kg bags of PharmaFreak, Mass Freak.

Amino Acid helpful in both weight-lifting and fat-loss programmes was available from several different brands, including Advanced Performance Nutrition (APN), Amino Freak and Nature’s Best. Similarly glutamine, an essential ingredient for faster recovery, was available from Maximum Human Performance (MHP) (500LE/kg) and MuscleMeds (250LE/300g).

Labrada Supercharge was one of the few pre-workout powders we saw, whilst a small pot of Labrada Lean Body (350LE) was the only fat-burner available for women. Cookie and cream protein bars are sold individually (25LE), as are protein milkshakes and black-top protein shakers.

Whilst Al Gerby is a little pricier than other supplement vendors, this small supplement store has a decent range of the basic pills and powders needed to supplement your workout routine.

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Al Gerby Supplement Store

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