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Wikinews interviews Christopher Beyette, prince of the Principality of Vikesland

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Over the past few months, Wikinews reporter Joseph Ford has held several interviews with Kevin Baugh, president of the Republic of Molossia, a micronation located near Dayton, Nevada. This week, Ford had the opportunity to interview another intermicronational leader, Christopher Beyette, prince of the Principality of Vikesland, another micronation located in Manitoba.

At only three years old, the Principality is a relative newcomer to the intermicronational community.

When asked if he considers Vikesland a serious micronation, Prince Christopher said that his country is “a new nation project. Our goal is to eventually become an internationally recognized state with hopefully some sort of small sovereign land base.”

He went on to tell much more about Vikesland, which can be read in the interview below.