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Portuguese writer José Saramago dies at 87

Friday, June 18, 2010 File:Josesaramago.jpg

Portuguese writer José Saramago, winner of the 1998 Nobel Prize for Literature, died today at his home in Lanzarote at 87.

As Saramago Foundation reported, “today, June 18, José Saramago has died at 12:30 at his home in Lanzarote, at 87 years old, as the aftermath of a multiorgan failure, after a prolonged illness.” They added that “the writer died with his family, passing out quietly and peacefully.”

Saramago was born in November 16, 1922 in the village of Azinhaga. He was a journalist, writer, designer, editor and translator. He published his first work, Terra do Pecado, in 1947. Some of his most important works are Blindness, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ and Baltasar and Blimunda.

His body will be cremated on Sunday in Lisboa.