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New Zealand Immigration An Alternative Path For The Recent Graduate

New Zealand Immigration – An Alternative Path For the Recent Graduate


Riki Clark

I immigrated to New Zealand about 10 years ago. Now although it was 10 years ago, some things do ring true today as they did then. The truth of the matter is you will be confronted with some big questions and how you answer those questions will directly affect the outcome of your immigration process.


The first questions one has to ask is, Why do I want to immigrate? What is it I am seeking exactly? Why New Zealand? What does it have, that will provide me with the lifestyle I am searching for. You see, the reasons why I point out these obvious questions is, I did not ask these things when I immigrated to New Zealand but fortunately for me it worked out and here I am 10 years on and loving my lifestyle. When I decided to come over 10 years ago, the furthest I traveled was around a monopoly board, no not quite as bad as that, but I was bored with my life in South Africa, I had exhausted my career, I had built a house from scratch I had traveled Southern Africa quite a bit and was seeking something fresh and new. Something that would put a new found spring in my step, some different filters through which I could view the world. New Zealand had has a lot of similarities to back home but on a smaller scale, they love their rugby, the great outdoors, they are extremely family and children oriented and so forth and so on. There are wonderful benefits to living here and I enjoy the feeling it provides. There is the hustle and bustle of city life as you would find in any country, but New Zealand is just unique. This article though is not about the beauty and wonder of New Zealand, the web is full of sites that will do a much better job of promoting New Zealand. With a rich history of immigration, Canada is an extremely pluralised, multicultural society always in need of the skills, talents and enthusiasm of newcomers to continue to grow. Today, Canada is home to immigrants from all over the world, and it continues to attract people from all over the world who want to migrate and live there. Immigrants are attracted to this beautiful country as it promises stability, prosperity and peace. Although many countries are tightening their immigration procedures, immigration to Canada has remained steady. Canada remains committed to its immigration program, constantly reviewing and implementing new ideas and policies to ensure that the process is not only fair, but efficient. In a recent proposal by Citizenship and Immigration, the Canadian government is expected to fast-track people from countries that are generally deemed safe who make a visa application, in an attempt to speed up the laborious and lengthy process that has been Canadian immigration.

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