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If Your Ex Boyfriend Keeps Ignoring You How To Get Him Back Without Speaking A Single Word

When you are still in love with the man that broke up with you, it is easy to see him as being perfect. You forget all of his faults and only dwell on his good points. This makes you sure that you must be at fault for the breakup and you have the urge to make an apology. You also want to tell him you love him and can’t live without him. So, you call him and when you hear his voice you begin to cry and he hangs up.

This should let you know your ex does not want to talk to you. But it only makes you more determined and you start dialing and re dialing him like you were in a drunken stupor. All this sort of activity will do is drive the man you love farther away. You are defeating your own purpose by giving in to panic and fear. You cannot force your ex to love you and the sooner you recognize that fact, the sooner you can start getting your ex boyfriend back.

To get your ex boyfriend back when he is ignoring you, all you have to do is copy his actions and begin to ignore him. Since this tactic seems to be working so well by making you desperate to get your ex back, why won’t it work on him? You might say, but he is the one that broke up with me. That does not make any difference because men cannot stand to be ignored by their ex girlfriend.


When you begin to ignore him and act as if he does not exist, your ex boyfriend will have the chance to experience life without you. If you go on with your life as if you no longer care for him, he will soon start to miss you. He has been so used to you being around that it never occurred to him how much he took you for granted. Seeing you slipping out of his life will change the picture completely.

When you have been ignoring your ex boyfriend for at least three weeks, you should send him an email. You won’t be apologizing or saying you love him. What you tell him in the email and what you do after sending the email can get your ex boyfriend back without saying a single word. You are just going to tell him you are sorry things had to end this way and the wish him well.

When he reads the email, your ex will think you are saying goodbye for good. He is already missing you and seeing how much you mean to his life. Thinking you may be leaving town and he will never see you again will make him desperate to contact you. When he calls, you won’t be available because right after you send the email, you will be going to visit friends that live in another state.

This should make your ex boyfriend start kicking himself all over town for breaking up with you. When you do get back and he finally locates you, he will be the one with the apology. This is how you will get your ex back without speaking a single word.

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About Author:

If this is the man for you, don’t give up. There are proven methods to make him love you like never before. Bad mistakes can ruin your relationship for good. To avoid these fatal mistakes, you need proven steps to get your ex boyfriend back and keep him. What you should and shouldn’t do can be found at this Helpful SiteAuthor: Hal Archer