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Disability Insurance For Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Disability Insurance for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome


Emely Porter

Fetal alcohol syndrome is a result of a long and continuous period of alcohol consumption by a mother during pregnancy. Due to heavy drinking, alcohol in the bloodstream of the mother may reach the fetus and can cause impediment to it getting the required oxygen and nourishment. This in turn can lead to several kinds of retardations of the fetus, both mental and physical. Lack of intelligence, cognitive power and communication ability along with distortions of the head and facial features are common in case of this syndrome.


The main cause of fetal alcohol syndrome is prenatal exposure to alcohol. However, it must be added that only light to moderate levels of alcohol consumption during pregnancy does not pose much of a threat. In several studies, it has been found that alcoholism in excess of 8.5 drinks per week can cause this syndrome. However, most experts still advice it is best not to drink at all during pregnancy. It has also been found that women tend to metabolize alcohol quicker than men. This is because, a protective enzyme in the stomach is in lesser quantities than men and this means that alcohol can enter their bloodstream in purer form. Due to this syndrome, severe mental, physical and behavioral problems may result in the fetus. Babies of below than average weight, height or both can result. There are different extents of the severity of this syndrome – severe, moderate and mild. Several craniofacial abnormalities like brain damage, a smooth philtrum (the groove between the upper lip and nose gets flattened), a thin vermilion (thinning of the upper lip) and smaller palpebral fissures or decrease of eye width are common due to prenatal alcoholic exposure. Several other kinds of complications can result from this disability. The most common ones are problems in the central nervous system along with structural, neurological and functional disabilities. Structural issues include development of a small head, commonly called microcephaly. It can be to the extent of two or more standard deviations below the usual or average. Other irregularities in brain like cerebellar hypoplasia and agenesis of the corpus callosum are also common. The most critical period of the fetal growth is between 2-8 weeks after conception and it is during this time that any excessive alcohol intake can cause severe impairment in the developments of important brain sections like the hippocampus, resulting in retardation of capabilities of learning, visual and auditory powers, memory and even emotions. Anyone with this disability just needs to approach the Canadian Disability Corporation for advices on disability insurance. You will also get guidance on what disability insurance and tax benefits you might be eligible for from their team of expert medical professionals.

At the CDC we carefully choose the most knowledgeable and personable team members to serve you and your family. We will do our best to claim the

Disability Tax Credit

and any other related credits for you or a family member with a disability.

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