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Grounding Yoga Poses For Stress Relief}

Grounding Yoga Poses for Stress Relief



Each pose is a challenge to be met, and a lesson in release. There are several “grounding” poses which will help increase your focus and calm you during your day. You don’t have to be an experienced yoga practitioner to reap the benefits of these poses. Remember to focus your energy downwards. Be conscious of the earth beneath you, in all its rhythms.

1) Mountain Pose – Stand with your feet no more than shoulder width apart, hands loose by your side. Relax your shoulders and neck. Your knees should be slightly bent, not locked. Close your eyes, and let gravity take hold. Focus on the feeling of the floor beneath your feet as your weight sinks downwards, and braces you. As with all yoga poses, inhale fully and slowly, and exhale completely.2) Tree Pose – Start in mountain pose. Slowly let your right foot travel up the inside of your left leg until the arch braces against the inside of the knee. Your free hip should be turned out. You can bring your hands, palms together, to heart center, or raise them over your head. This is a balance move, but I find it very grounding because of the focus on the standing leg, and the controlled breathing. Slowly lower your leg, and switch to the other side. Keep your breathing steady.3) Forward Fold – This basic pose loosens the tension in your back. Start in mountain pose, and slowly raise your arms over your head. Dive down, and let your whole body relax. Allow the arms to dangle loosely, and feel the feet plant into the floor. Inhale deeply, and as you exhale let your body relax just a little more, folding inwards, head towards the floor.4) Warrior Pose – There is just something about this pose that feels powerful, yet at the same time it is very meditative. Extend your right leg into a forward lunge, but don’t go too deep. Your torso should face the side of the room, but your gaze is over your knee. Your arms are lifted, right arm in front extending over your bent leg, left arm in back. Sink into the lunge. Remember to breathe.

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Grounding Yoga Poses for Stress Relief}

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What You Should Know About Allergies And Visiting An Allergist In Evansville, In


If you have frequent bouts of sneezing and your eyes are often itchy and watery, you may have allergies. By reading the information below, you’ll learn important information about allergies and how an Allergist in Evansville IN can help your symptoms.

Types Of Allergies

People can be allergic to various substances, and allergies are often worse in the spring when the trees begin to bloom and an abundance of pollen is in the air. This type of seasonal allergy is often referred to as hay fever, and this kind of allergy is very common. Many people are allergic to animal dander, and they start to have allergy symptoms if they’re around a cat or a dog. Some people have an allergic reaction if they’re stung by a bee or a wasp. Other allergens include substances that are often found inside the house, such as mold spores and dust mites. Food allergies are also common. and many individuals are also allergic to medications such as penicillin or anesthetics.

Allergy Symptoms

There are many types of allergy symptoms, and patients can have one or two symptoms or multiple symptoms at once. Common allergy symptoms include a runny nose, coughing, hives and itchy skin. More severe symptoms may include breathing problems, face swelling, and stomach cramps. A person who experiences breathing issues or swelling of the throat should immediately seek emergency medical care. People who are aware of certain allergies should avoid the triggers that can cause an allergic reaction.

Treating Allergies

To find out exactly what a patient is allergic to, an Allergist in Evansville IN, may schedule an allergy test. This test identifies every substance that triggers an allergic reaction in the patient. Types of allergens that a patient is tested for includes pollen, trees, weeds, pet dander, mold, and some foods, including peanuts and milk. After reading the results of the allergy test, the allergist will recommend a specific treatment plan for the needs of each patient.

The Accredited Asthma, Allergy & Food Intolerance Center provides food allergy testing and treatment for allergy symptoms. Visit the website to learn more about the services of Dr. C. Steven Smith and to schedule an appointment.