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Top 3 Questions To Ask Yourself As A Web Designer

By Michael Bryksa

Web design is an art. And like most art, it is difficult, almost impossible, for the artist to measure his or her own work. For some reason it is simply not possible to create something and be objective about it. If you want an objective opinion, as an artist you need to find someone who wasn’t involve in the creative process to make the judgment. There is simply too much of the artist’s own self in his or her work for her to adopt an objective frame of mind when looking at it.

The same is true for web design, and it is one of the biggest reasons why there’s a lot of websites out there that look like they should opt for early retirement. Many amateur web designers – and there are a lot of them – make the fatal mistake of falling for the same bag of tricks that other web designers fell for when they created their websites in which “subpar quality” is an understatement in describing them. Simply put, it is hard to gauge the quality of your website until you’ve got hundreds of visitors telling you it sucks.

So, for the amateur web designer, here are some tips on how to create a website that’s up to standards:

1. Is my website simple?

Your website is not the place for you to show off your graphics programming skills – there’s school for you to do that. Your website is about business, and your business is the satisfaction of your visitors/customers.


Keep your website simple and direct to the point, adding a few nice graphical touches here and there, but not too much. Make it look modern and up-to-date. Remember if you lose a visitor once, it’s unlikely he’ll come back to give you a second chance.

2. Is my website updated?

The saying goes, “Content is king”. So you put up a lot of content on your website. Great. But all that content is worthless to the visitor if the last time you updated your homepage was back in 2008.

The world is constantly changing, and the same applies to websites. If there are new updates on the information on your website, make changes immediately so all the information and content are up-to-date. I would even recommend you to put a small notifier at the bottom of the page indicating when the website was last updated.

3. Does my page load quickly?

If you lose your visitor once, you lose him or her forever. And most visitors are lost because the website they’re trying to view takes more than 5 seconds to load.

These days what matters is speed, which is why people are subscribing to the fastest internet connection they can afford. But sometimes the culprit is the page itself. Sometimes the web designer embeds too many Flash animations and other shiny effects on the homepage alone. This results to pages that load very slowly, and lots of lost traffic.

As a web designer, make sure the load times on your website are as optimal as possible. Keep things simple, keep things speedy.

Avoid these three common pitfalls of modern web designs, and believe me you’ll get places. Professional web design has got nothing to do with cluttered, outdated, and slow-loading web pages.

About the Author:

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