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Car Insurance Coverages}

Car Insurance Coverages



Car insurance is a must in India, even if it is just a token amount. The coverage of each car insurance policy would however, depend on the type of insurance policy chosen by the owner. The premium amount would also vary depending on the number of options that the insurance policy covers. Nevertheless, the car insurance policy is broadly divided into a comprehensive policy that includes all-inclusive coverage and third party policy which only includes insurance for the damages inflicted on the third party neither the insurer nor the insured.

Today, there are various policies that include coverages depending on the premium that the owner is ready to pay. It could be insurance for physical damages, reimbursement of medical treatments, or cover for property damages.

Lets check the coverages that the car owner would get against his car insurance claims.

Comprehensive Car Insurance Plan

A comprehensive car insurance policy covers the damages to the car caused due to an accident as well as the injuries that the driver or passengers suffered due to the accident. A third party legal insurance cover included in the comprehensive plan would protect the owner financially for any legal hassles he has to undergo due to injuries or damages due to the accident of those who are not involved in the unfortunate car ride when the accident occurred.


In other words, the car insurance coverages could be divided into the following sections:

Physical Damage Coverage

oDamage to the car due to natural calamities These include accidental damages from storms, earthquakes, landslides, fire or similar incidents.

oDamage to the car due to man-made calamities These include sudden attacks of terrorisms, burglary, riots, intentional attacks, accidents due to travel by road or air, and parallel incidents.

Coverage for People Involved

oPersonal accident cover These include compensation for injuries, such hospitalization or medicines for the driver, co-passengers, and the owner if he is in the car at that time.

Third-Party Coverages

oCover for damages or injuries for third-party These include compensation for injuries to the third party or reimbursement property damages. It also includes damages to the car in case the car was in a garage or kept unused when the accident occurred.

Third Party Car Insurance Plan

A third party is someone who is not involved with the car ride or related to the owner, such as a pedestrian, non-fare or fare-paying passengers in a car, or bystanders. It could also be property involved in the accident, such as shops or other vehicles in concern. The coverage would include:

Legal liabilities that the owner has to undergo

Compensation on the property damages

There are many car insurance policies in India. You can choose some coverages vis–vis the premium that you require to pay as well. Online car insurance policies help in identifying the optimal car insurance policy where you can opt for a particular policy depending on the premium and the coverages offered by the same.

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on low rates along with better feature from different leading companies in India. You can compare and avail better car insurance policy at Easypolicy.

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