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Australian Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott announces first ministerial appointments

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Australia’s Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott announced his new ministry appointments yesterday.

The list shows former deputy leader of the Liberal Party Julie Bishop MP as the new Minister for Foreign Affairs, whilst Warren Truss MP, the leader of the National Party of Australia, has been positioned as the deputy prime minister.

Other placements include Joe Hockey MP as treasurer, Malcolm Turnbull MP as Minister for Communications, and Barnaby Joyce MP as Minister for Agriculture.

The announcement also sees some newly placed ministers making their cabinet debuts, including Senator Mathias Cormann as the Minister for Finance and Member for Cook Scott Morrison taking up the role of Minister for Immigration and Border Protection. In an interview with local paper the St George and Sutherland Shire Leader, Mr Morrison was quoted as being “proud to be the first member for cook to serve in the cabinet”.

Mr Abbott remarked, “This is the team that builds on a strong and effective, united and cohesive opposition.” Regarding the lack of women members in the cabinet, Mr Abbott said he was “disappointed” but did hint that there were “some very good and talented women knocking on the door of the cabinet and there are lots of good and talented women knocking on the door of the ministry.”

Mr Abbott is set to be sworn into his role as Australia’s 28th Prime Minister tomorrow.