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A Sort Of History Of Dental Braces

byAlma Abell

A dental brace-otherwise known as an orthodontic brace-is a device that is fitted inside the mouth as a way of straightening and aligning the teeth. As a rule, a dental brace can cure a whole list of oral maladies, such as an under bite, an over bite, crooked teeth, jaw problems, malocclusions and a long list of other ailments.


It B.C. Greek physicians such as Aristotle and Hippocrates both considered procedures and methods for straightening teeth that grew crooked. In archeological sites many a mummified mouth has been located and found to have a crude metal band wrapped around its teeth. One of the main materials used in those days was catgut, but nowadays non-rusting metal is the preferred method.

It wasn’t until the seventeenth century that braces made an another appearance. They had fallen out of favor after the early ancient period simply because there was not enough surviving evidence to carry the torch forward. Therefore, it took a revival during the seventeenth century to wake people up to the possibility again. During the eighteen hundreds, dentistry took another small step forward with the use of gum elastics in 1843-used by Maynard. During the early twentieth century Edward Angle worked on devising a simplistic classification system for classifying malocclusions, which is still in use today.

How Do Braces Work?

Braces work in a similar way to a vice, but so gentle that the wearer notices nothing. The braces can be tightened every so often to persuade the teeth to shift into a more aligned position. The braces hold the teeth in a ‘clamp’ which prevents them moving during the night, too and can also cure ailments such as over and under bites or jaw issues. Effectively they remodel your teeth to make them straight and neat. People who need braces in Findlay, OH can call an orthodontics specialist to measure and fit the braces for them. X-rays are also needed, so those without dental insurance should make sure they have coverage.