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What If You Could Grow Taller?

Submitted by: Joe R. Maldonado

Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if only you had the ability to grow taller? This has become a huge topic of debate recently, perhaps because of the fact that people are beginning to realize the true advantage that taller people actually have. Here are some interesting points to consider about what would happen to your life if you gained a few inches:

1.More Job Opportunities

It s unfortunate, but tall people have a better chance at getting employed. Employers hire tall people because they believe that they command respect more than a short person would. If you are an unemployed short person, you are likely to agree.

2.Higher Pay

Yes, it s true. Taller people even end up getting a higher income as well. For example, those who are tall will get to a management level much quicker than a short person, which allows them to make quite a bit more money.


3.Being Respected

Those who are tall will get taken more seriously. They almost demand the respect of others. A lot of the most influential leaders throughout history have been tall. This has to mean something.

4.Getting Dates

You have a better chance with the opposite sex when you are taller. If you are single, you may find that if you were a bit taller you would be able to get more dates. You could probably attract more people to you if you added a couple inches to your height.

5.Having the Advantage in Sports

Especially when it comes to games such as basketball and volleyball, taller people most definitely have the advantage. It can be very enjoyable to play these sports, and if you are a tall person you even have the opportunity to play them professionally. However, those who are short will need to gain a couple of inches in order to keep up with those who are already naturally tall.

6.More Confidence

Those who are tall most definitely have more self-esteem. It isn t this way in all cases, but in a general sense. This is mostly because of the fact that those who are tall are used to getting the advantage in life, and they have a feeling of self assurance.

There are ways that you can add inches to your height, even after you have surpassed puberty. You can find a lot of programs and eBooks out there that go into great depth about it. A lot of it has to do with human growth hormone, as the abundance or lack of this hormone directly affects your height and ability to change it. You can actually stimulate the production of this hormone by eating certain foods, doing certain exercises and keeping proper sleeping patterns.

There are even things like your posture that come into play when you are trying to add inches of height. So if you are interested in getting more information about how to grow taller, you should look into one of the in-depth programs that are available online, as all it takes is a simple search to find them!

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How to Grow Taller



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