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Seeing An Emergency Clinic In Maui For Cardiac Issues

byAlma Abell

A cardiovascular risk factor is a factor in which the person’s exposure to this factor increases the risk of initiating a disease and/or being a victim of a cardiovascular event. All these risk factors favor the obstruction of blood vessels and are now very well-known to the medical community. To reduce one’s own risks, it is important to know and measure each risk factor through clinical examinations and biological examinations. Some are imposed upon people, like age or heredity, while others are modifiable and closely linked to each person’s lifestyles and/or related to medical care. Visiting an Emergency Clinic in Maui is crucial if a patient has a history of cardiac issues.

Among the cardiovascular risk factors, 4 are unanimously recognized today as major because they multiply the risk directly:

* Being a smoker increases the risk of infarction by 5 compared to someone who does not smoke… or one who has stopped for more than 3 years.

* Hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia are the 3 other major risk factors for which cardiac issues exist… lifestyle and dietary rules and/or drugs can lead to its elimination or, at least, decrease the severity.

Other corrective factors that are increasingly taken into account during the risk assessment and, thus, in the care strategy include:

* Abdominal obesity (abdominal perimeter> 102 cm in men and 88 cm in women);

* Physical inactivity (absence of regular physical activity, approximately 30 min, 3 times/week); and

* Excessive alcohol consumption (over 3 glasses of wine per day in men and 2 glasses per day in women).

Unfortunately, gender, age, personal and family history are among the major factors that cannot be altered. Thus, studies show that the risk is elevated in men above 50 years of age and 60 years of age in women. Similarly, things like myocardial infarctions or sudden death before the age of 55 in a father, or a first-degree male relative, should be taken into account, as well. D. Even if there are common hygiene-dietetic measures to reduce several risks at once, the clinical and biological targets to be achieved will depend on all each person’s risk factors and their general health. Visit the website for more details.

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